Sunday, May 10, 2020

Persuasive Essay College Prices - 1841 Words

Persuasive Essay College prices in the United States are at an all-time high. In 2012 students payed an average of 23,872 dollars at 4 year universities for the year, not including books and supplies (U.S. Department of Education, 2014). This is nearly double the 14,216 paid in 1992 (U.S. Department of Education, 2014). Post- Secondary education is important not only for the financial security of the graduate but also to our national economy the government implement free education for students entering higher education because it would help our economy, work close the inequality gap, and people have a right to experience higher education. It would also help to combat storages in the logistics and skilled labor industry. According to the†¦show more content†¦In order to do this we need to take our education in math a science seriously. A large number of people highly educated in STEM or science, technology, engineering and math would allow for more minds to be able to work on new advancements in technology. One major advancement that the United States is missing out on rare earth metals. These metals are very important to building electronics and are present in almost any electronic made in the last 15 years (Bell,2012). The United States has deposits of these minerals, but we do not have the know how to make mining them safely and efficiently. Our minerals remain unused or sold off to larger producers in China for low margins.(Bell,2012) This is just one cutting edge economic opportunity that is going to waste in the US. If education was free it would allow more people to become educated in these fields, allow for more technological innovation and eventually lead to higher prosperity for the country as a whole. Many high school student and young adults who dream of becoming well educated are unable to because they do not have access to higher education due to their economic status. Nearly 85 percent of middle school aged children in the US say they would like to earn a college degree yet only 44 percent of students from poor families are enrolled by October following high school graduation (Haveman, 2006). About 59 percent of students finish their

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